

D-tech-tive event is nothing but a Treasure hunt based on technical questions. The clues will be in the form of QR codes which lead to the next clue and so on which ultimately leads to the final treasure.

Faculty Coordinators

Name: Sri N. Siddhik
Designation: Assistant Professor
ContactNo: 9642073661
EmailId: ns@ksrmce.ac.in

Student Coordinators

Chandra Bharath,III-Year-EEE


Block: SJ
Room No:212

Time slots

9.00am to 3.00pm

Rules and Regulations

1. Each team must contain 4 members.
2. Screenshot should be taken after scanning each QR code in order.
3. No QR code should be damaged.
4. Cheating is strictly prohibited.
5. Group members are to be registered separately.
6. Spot registrations are allowed.